Today marks our last day of high school, officially. From what i remember, it wasn't that long ago when I, a fresh out of a chinese school girl, scruffy as ever, tomboy like, just thinking about how was it going to be for me as a high school student. The big influence from what we watch in the movies, well, basically all Hollywood films, makes high school such a scandalous & somewhat "fit in or fuck off" society. haha, might just be me & my imagination. heh.
Well, i'd say i was lucky. I came into Sri Kuala Lumpur Secondary & was put into 1 Beta. First friend i ALMOST made? wait for it..
GREGORY CHEE! ( the only reason why i said "almost"? i thought he was a girl- the long shoulder length hair, so i wanted to say hi, till he turned around when someone called out his name. OMG WHAT A MANLY GIRL! okay, friends making in 1 Beta - FAILED.
Then after some complications, i ended up at 1 Delta. First friend i made there? Wooi Woan Ni. We had one hell of a ride as friends. In a good & bad way of course :) Well, overall in form one? I thought i fit in pretty well, even had my first boyfriend then. Pretty proud of myself :P (self kembang moment)
Then form 2 & 3 passed, but it was pretty drama-less. But the best part of it? I made awesome friends. eg : Verene Ong, Ashwin Kumar, Ryaisha Filda, Tee Joann & Rizal Ramzan. :)
Then came form 4, i felt as though it was a mixture of a breeze of freedom & withdrawal & well, probably the most drama-filled year. That year, i made new friends, new classmates, new everything. I finally found my second boyfriend after so long. Well, that didn't last long either. So did the one after that. :/ But all for different reasons. I still love every each one of them verymerrybery much. In a brotherly way. hahaha.
Last but not least, Form 5. My final secondary school year. This year passed by the fastest. To me, i think. I managed to do so much in so little time. I made friends from SJ, Damansara, KK, everywhere. More than i ever had in the past years :) people that i'm pretty sure would be friends for a long time. Went for a trip to Phuket with the mates, partied & got to know some peoples true colours. Also, this year i got closer to/ started to make friends with people whom i'd never expect. Calista Yee, Ooi Joshua, Lilian (**** babes), Megatron, Darren Mark :) I LOVE YOU PEOPLE SO MUCH.
Well, i'mma wrap up this post with some photos from today.
awesome threesome of 5 Rho :)
photo credits to calistayee.
i'll miss everything, everything so much.
Sri KL made me who i am.
Some of you might not like it, but learn to accept.
High school was definitely not a phase.
"It's just the beginning."
signing off,
excuse me.if u dont mind i want to ask u have fruits name for your classes ?