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September 26, 2010

I'm gonna miss you, kak.

Yes,  it's been 4 years with this kakak of mine. & now she's going back for good. I just found out it sucks more than the rest cause i've never had a maid so young & chatty. Omgggg, which other maid would put up with my nonsense & still cover my ass? I hate it when it comes to this part. Really. They live with you for quite  a while, years, and you take them for granted cause they're your "maid". They do something wrong, (give you warm water instead of cold, give you a hard boiled egg when you asked for HALF boiled, forget to wake you up in the morning etc) you get angry as hulk, broody and then they go home, never to be seen again.

 Like, kjdhgjshjdfghertesf it's so fucking hard to say goodbye! I don't know about you, but from my experience with my past few maids i always feel like shit after seeing them off. Besides the fact that you won't see them for the rest of your life, i feel horrible about all the things i said/did to hurt them. If you know me well enough, yes i have a bit of a temper. It's certainly not an excuse to let it out on your maid. But ah fuck, what's done is done. The worst part? If you're at the airport seeing them off to their boarding gates & you'll have to hold back those tears if you cry easily, like me. :( 

Anyway, i'm going off to the LCCT in a bit. I'm going to have my MCD breakfast :D and that reminds me of the last time lilian, josh & i snuck out from school in the morning for sausage mcmuffin. HAHA. Well sadly, we all got caught. But only after we filled our tummies! SUCKERS.

Okay, few photos before i go :)

Her name? Pitriana, but we call her "PIPIT" haha
i look like a giant here
oh, and she promised me she'd make a Facebook account. lol much? :P

signing off,

September 22, 2010

It took you a just a "hello" before you took my breath away.

i think i'm getting my study mode on. LET'S HOPE SO :)

i'm feeling random, so could you ask me something on Formspring ? Nothing nasty or horny you ass holes.

i admit it's fun getting random questions from strangers. So mysterious eh?

okay, gotta go! :)

signing off,

September 17, 2010

I missed my chance with you; & lets hope i'm wrong.

What have the readers been missing out on? Quite honestly, nothing. Save me from this misery :(  I wanna be freeeeee. noooooooooooo.

OKAY, anyway, why am i blogging at 3 am? i don't know, really. But if you must know, or you will know, eventually, i'll be attending my first Raya open house for this year tomorrow! I'll fill you people in with pictures really soon. But sorry Blogger, you suck balls so everything will be up on Facebook.

SPM Trials are in a week or so. I'm fucked, i know. Just pray for me? I'll love you for that. Really. & after you do, let me know, then i'll give you a big sloppy kiss! muahahaha! 

Anyway, just because i'm awesome, imma show you the many faces of Samantha Koay Shu Wern when she can't get to sleep.

Yeah okay, i know i look horrible, ( i look better in person ) -quick cover up. Especially in the 3rd photo. HAHAHA, failed attempt on a puppy dog face? Anyway screw it, in case you didn't notice my walls in the background, we're painting the whole house now! yay! & upgrading a few stuffs here and there. Well, about time anyway. Been almost 10 years since we moved in. 


signing off,
