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September 19, 2009

Not everything changes.

Actually, i really enjoyed my day. & i haven't done things like what i did today in a reaaally long time. First of all, i got to hang out with Aaron as a friend for the first time. First or second? Which was nice cause it was really laid back and spontaneous. Nothing corny like those days, heh. :P That spontaneous till half way through my coffee i dared him to pierce his nose. And he said he would do it if i paid. (so obviously i agreed) Apparently, it didn't hurt at all. Wow. By the way, thank you for the Burberrryyyyy :) i love it. heheee. Nah maine! i got mine too! heh.

Secondly, why i loved today? i received an unexpected call from someone, and that that person means alot to me. That left a strong impact after the call, but it did put a smile on my face. :)

Thirdly, i got to spend time with Amanda again. As you can see, from our camwhore photos i just posted up. I also had bak kut teh & 3 rounds of gelato after that. Best part? every round of gelato consisted 3 different flavours! I'm sooo full right now, you have NO idea.

Anyway, tomorrow's Jihan's raya open house. Sadly Hannah sayang isn't here :( Oh well, Happy Raya Eve everyone!

hugs and kisses and more kisses! :)

ps: PerkYang's such an awesome bad boyfriend <3
signing off,

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